Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Four Presidents

One of Hippo's favorite activities is to go on trips and learn about history. So in late September we drove down to three historic sites in southern Virginia: Montpelier, Charlottesville, and Fredericksburg.

Montpelier was the home of President James Madison, Father of the Constitution.

A short, scenic drive away is the University of Virginia which was founded by President Thomas Jefferson.

We spent the night in the city of Fredericksburg. A young George Washington lived nearby and later his mother moved to the city. They even named a school after her – the University of Mary Washington. Today they have pretty horses.

All the touring made Hippo thirsty, so he double-pawed some historic soda.

The sky turned dark and stormy while Hippo was strolling around Fredericksburg looking for old houses and statues. Just as he started skedaddling to dinner to avoid the downpour he heard a massive cheer and a familiar voice in the distance.

It was a campaign rally for Barack Obama at Mary Washington and The Big Picture shared what Hippo was too far away to see. It was very exciting to encounter four presidents on one trip!

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