Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Animal statuary

Hippo loves meeting new friends and is especially impressed with the large bronze and stone ones he sees on his travels.

These friends always seem willing to pose for a picture or give Hippo a boost so he can see and be seen.

But some might be too wild to ride just yet.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hmm it seems you had enough time to waste making that comment. I love this site, I check it every day for updates. Hippo's adventures make me smile. Go crap on someone else's blog please.

Jimbo said...

Perhaps Mr. Hippo could compare travel notes with Mr McNocerous?

Jimbo said...

Mr. lotto649numbers must be part of those slavering fubar masses I've been hearing about! Filthy lot they! Roll on Mr. Hippo ...

Hippo A. Potamus said...

Thanks for your support Mr. Jimbo and Mr. (or Ms.) 'Nonymous!

Mr. Jimbo, I like Nocerouses! I visited a couple of friendly ones on my vacation. I'll do some vacation posts, soon.

I'm not an international traveler like Mr. Nocerous, but there are lots great of places to see in the US, too. I see he's even been to my home town!

Jimbo said...

It is not important where Mr. Hippo goes, only that he graces those locales with his presence. Mr McNocerous must travel to some very inhospitable places to go where the telescopes are!