My first stop was to visit one of my relatives. Doesn't he have a nice smile?

There were some free-range peacocks who walked around with us. They make good tour guides, but I didn't like it when they tried to get too close to my lunch!

Speaking of lunch... We got to help feed the giraffes! That is Raspberry eating from his keeper's hand. Raspberry's dad is in front. They have a really nice yard with a big Egyptian palace.

Those horses are wearing some really fancy striped suits! I wonder if they make them in petite hippo sizes?

There appears to have been a multi-roo pile up!

Don't forget the 'Noceroses! They were feeling a little bit shy that day, but they were nice enough to pose for a picture with me.

I made friends with a lot of other creatures, too! I hope I get to go back and visit them all soon!
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